Friday, June 7, 2013

Signed, Sealed and [almost] Delivered!

We had our LAST homestudy meeting! By the beginning of the week we should have something to proof and by the end of the week it should be completed!


I feel like this has taken AGES to finish. I know there will only be more waiting in the days ahead but when the waiting is tied to something I can semi control, I want things to move at a rapid pace.

In my profession I am constantly under deadlines and I get anxious.....did i say anxious....when things arise I cannot control and feel they should be moving at a far more rapid pace than they currently are.

I know the wating period will be the biggest area of personal growth for me and I have been tellling myself to start looking forward to it, to relish in this season with my husband as just the two of us before we bring an addition into our home.

I know the family dynamic is going to change but I also know that there will be a lot of joy in our new season as well. We are looking forward to it!

And for all of you Instagrammers' out there, you should definitely check out fashionkids, are these guys cute or what!!

I'm melting in cuteness overload :)

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